About Us

The Camillus Community Band

The Camillus Community Band was formed in 2017 out of a vision of Andy Perry, long time instrumental music instructor in the West Genesee Central School District. He had the idea to provide an outlet to adult instrumental musicians to continue to play.

This seventy member ensemble was put together and continues to evolve in order to allow for adults in the community to play at that high level. They perform four concerts each year. rehearsing weekly during the school calendar year.

Andrew Perry – Conductor

Andrew Perry taught instrumental music in the West Genesee Central School District from 1987 till 2021. Mr. Perry’s West Genesee High School Wind Ensemble performed to high acclaim at the Mid-West International Band and Orchestra Clinic, Bands of America National Concert Band Festival, New York State School Music Association (NYSSMA) Winter Conference, Music Educators National Conference (MENC) Eastern Symposium and the New York State Band Director’s Association (NYSBDA) State Symposium.

In addition, Mr. Perry is the Co-Conductor of the Central Winds, an adult band made up of music teachers from the Central New York region. Central Winds with Mr. Perry have performed at the NYSSMA Winter Conference, the NYSBDA State Symposium, The Texas Bandmasters Association (TBA) Summer Symposium and at the Mid-West International Band and Orchestra Clinic.

In 2017 Mr. Perry founded the Camillus Community Band – a seventy member ensemble. This ensemble performs four concerts each year. Rehearsing weekly during the school calendar year, its goal is to provide a musical outlet for adult instrumental musicians.

The New York State Band Director’s Association has chosen to honor Mr. Perry’s contributions and career by awarding him the Richard Snook Outstanding Band Director Award in 2013. In 2010, Mr. Perry was awarded the Syracuse Symphony Annual Musicians Award for Outstanding Music Educators. Mr. Perry was also the recipient of the 2008 Camillus Optimist “Outstanding Teacher Award” for his contributions at West Genesee High School.